Posted by: wryman | July 8, 2008

Tuxedo Commercial

It’s been a little while since I have done anything tuxedo-wise. So, after work tonight, I took off my suit and tie and put on my favorite lounging tuxedo and began to look around for things tuxedo. The funny thing is that I really feel as though it is easier to look for tuxedo videos than it is tuxedo information on the web.

So, in looking for tuxedo videos, I came across this amazing video. To the very first question, I had to answer “Why yes. Yes, I am wearing a tuxedo. Rick Swanson, you know me so well.”

Posted by: wryman | July 5, 2008

Dance Lessons

So, as mentioned previously, the first dance can be a big deal.  Everyone is watching.  Some people are taking pictures.  Some people are taking video.

Now, I got to watch Jessika cut a rug at Kevin and Liz’s wedding.  She can swing pretty well.  I, on the other hand, have knobby knees and elbows.  And, I have never taken dancing seriously.  In fact, my favorite dance is something akin to a flopping fish.

I decided that looking online for some dance lessons might help me fix some of my flaws.  What did I come across, but an instructional video from the master:

The knowledge contained in that short video astounds me!  The robot? That robot is about the best I have seen.  Well, maybe the best:

I must watch and research further!  I will report back on my findings!

Posted by: wryman | July 4, 2008

Hola Amigos!

I know it’s been a while since I rapped at ya’.  Jim Anchower has always been a favorite of mine.

It has been a while.  There are good reasons:

  1. It’s summer.  I do not have a laptop, but must use my desktop in a room that is far too unexciting for summer.
  2. We adopted a dog, Arthur.  We adopted him from the Humane Society.  He is really a sweet sweet dog, but he does take up a good two hours of time per day.  Oh, it’s fun time, but it is not blogging time.
  3. Work has been very busy.  In terms of banking careers, Credit Analysis is a good place to be right now.  Of course, this assumes your bank is still making loans and not simply doing loan work outs.  I have been plugging away in my one man department.  This includes working on software implementation for 2009, working on increased underwriting requirements, and hiring and training an additional Credit Analyst.  My job has required a lot of focus and some additional work hours.  Again, not blogging time.
  4. I recently joined my Condo Association’s Board of Directors.  This does not take a ton of time, but has required some budgeting work for 2009.  We just got our parking lot resealed.  Check out the work.
  5. I have other projects that involve working outside.  And, outside is better.
  6. Did I mention that it is summertime.  I do have a list of topics to write about, I just do not want to focus on right now.

What is new in the nupitalverse?  Plenty!

I would like to be able to say that we have picked the reception location.  But, a new option has crept into the picture, the Lussier Family Heritage Center.  This is a nice option, but will take some additional checking out before we make the final decision.

Our friends Kevin and Liz are getting married tomorrow.  I think our five wedding year has been whittled down to four.  This will make three of four weddings.  I’m not sure what happened to the fifth.  Their wedding will be at the East Side Club, which is one of the locations we had considered for our reception.

I am finally narrowing down the style for the men’s side of the wedding party.  It’s looking a bit like linen pants and dress shirts.  In all, good garden wedding garb.

I think that’s it for me now.  I might have more, but I cannot think of it.  My next post will be sooner than later.

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